Who we are?
Church Directory
The Wyoming Ministry Network is a strategic network of churches across the state of Wyoming. Our network leadership is focused on, strengthening network relationships, improving the of pastors and churches, investing in younger generations and expanding mission and church planting.
New Life Assembly of God
6 Barstad Way
Buffalo, WY 82834
PO Box 290
Buffalo, WY 82834
Tel: (307) 684-5755
Lead Pastor: Josh & Whitney Davies
Radius Church
4301 Casper Mountain Road
Casper, WY 82601
Tel: (307) 265-9121
Em: contact@radiuschurch.life
Lead pastor: Craig Mellendorf
Destiny Church
711 Warren Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82003
PO Box 546
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Tel: (307) 634-4657
Em: destinychurchrick@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Rick McGraw
Cody Assembly of God
1532 Bleistein Ave
Cody, WY 82414
PO Box 2094
Cody, WY 82414
Tel: (307) 527-7339
Em: codyassembly@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Cheri Cortez
Douglas Assembly of God
501 South 4th Street
Douglas, WY 82633
PO Box 1033
Douglas, WY 82633
Tel: (307) 358-3619
Em: brossignol85@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Brian Rossignol
New Hope Fellowship
32 Country Road 108
Etna, WY 83118
PO Box 5395
Etna, WY 83118
Tel: (307) 883-6050
Em: bizon1960@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Mark Halford
Abundant Life Fellowship
2190 Wasatch Road
Evanston, WY 82930
Tel: 307-789-5868
Em: stillcreektimf@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Tim Floyd
First Assembly of God
601 Carey
Gillette, WY 82716
Tel: (307) 682-3308
Em: dmholden@juno.com
Lead Pastor: Dan Holden
Lighthouse Worship Center
201 North 3rd Street
Glenrock, WY 82637
PO Box 357
Glenrock, WY 82637
Tel: (307) 359-1228
Em: tlschowengerdt@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Ted Schowengerdt
Green River Assembly of God
1380 Hitching Post Drive
Green River, WY 82935
PO Box 358
Green River, WY 82935
Tel: (307) 875-6232
Em: agfirstgr@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Shawn Johnston
Assembly of God
252 Hunter
Hulett, WY 82720
PO Box 236
Hulett, WY 82720
Tel: (307) 467-5757
Em: pastorclbauman@hotmail.com
Lead Pastor: Charles Bauman
The Orchards Church
635 West Lane
Lander WY 82520
PO Box 2061
Lander, WY 82520
Em: toddapettibone@gmail.com; angelaapettibone@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Todd & Angela Pettibone
New Life Assembly of God
PO Box 358
Laramie, WY 82073
Tel: (307) 460-3351
Em: info@newlifelaramie.org
Lead Pastor: Matt Baumgartner
Assembly of God
310 Idaho
Lovell, WY 82431
PO Box 397
Lovell, WY 82431
Tel: (307) 548-7105
Em: lovellassembly@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Daniel Jarvis
Bridger Valley Assembly of God
2507 Highway 414
Mountain View, WY 82939
PO Box 296
Mountain View, WY 82939
Tel: (307) 786-2303
Em: bvag307@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Butch Johns
Newcastle Assembly of God
216 South Seneca Avenue
Newcastle, WY 82701
Tel: (307) 746-2249
Em: naogc@rtconnect.net
Lead Pastor: Norman Brotzman
Lighthouse Assembly of God
Fifth and Market
Pine Bluff, WY 82082
PO Box 536
Pine Bluff, WY 82082
Tel: (307) 245-3822
Em: smanzanares13@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Steve Manzanares
Wilderness Church
110 North Jackson Street
Pinedale, WY 82941
PO Box 1702
Pinedale, WY 82941
Tel: (307) 749-8478
Em: wcwyoming@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Duke Edwards
Glad Tidings Assembly of God
777 East 7th Street
Powell, WY 82435
Tel: (307) 754-2333
Em: pastormikewalsh@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Michael Walsh
Trinity Assembly of God
604 9th Street
Rawlins, WY 82301
PO Box 369
Rawlins, WY 82301
Tel: (307) 324-2635
Em: kk_sherman@hotmail.com
Lead Pastor: Kirk Sherman
First Assembly of God
701 East Adams
Riverton, WY 82501
PO Box 948
Riverton, WY 82501
Tel: (307) 856-3637
Em: mmbrumback@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Michael Brumback
Way of the Cross
635 South 2nd Street West
Riverton, WY 82501
Tel: (307) 851-5139
Em: wotcriverton@gmail.com
Co-Pastors: Eli and Alma Marquez
First Assembly of God
2191 Century Blvd
Rock Springs, WY 82902
PO Box 1627
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Tel: (307) 362-8665
Em: tnheidt@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Nicole Heidt
Platte Valley Christian Center
111 N 7th St
Saratoga, WY 82331
Tel: (307) 326-5520
First Assembly of God
1045 Lewis Street
Sheridan, WY 82801
Tel: (307) 674-6372
Em: firstassemblysheridan@gmail.com
Pastor: Rich Cullen
Sunrise Assembly of God
570 Marion Street
Sheridan, WY 82801
Tel: (307) 674-8424
Em: nnjjjackson@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: John Jackson
Mountain View Assembly
243 Second and Willow
Ten Sleep, WY 82442
PO Box 308
Ten Sleep, WY 82442
Tel: (307) 366-2525
Em: phelps.jimmy@yahoo.com
Living Waters Assembly of God
318 North 8th Street
Thermopolis, WY 82443
Tel: (307) 864-3677
Em: lwagthermopolis@gmai
Lead Pastor: Michael Muench
1701 East F St
Torrington, WY 82240
Tel: (307) 575-7701
E-Mail: kingowingit@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Dale Harper
Lighthouse Assembly of God
1320 Church Street
Upton, WY 82730
PO Box 76
Upton, WY 82730
Tel: (307) 468-2501
Lead Pastor: Pat Bland
Email: pcjgrailway@gmail.com
Impact Ministries
956 Maple St
Wheatland, WY 82201
Tel: 307-331-7544
Em: jharoldson.impact@hotmail.com
Lead Pastor: Jeremy Haroldson
Wheatland Worship Center
1452 Cedar Street
Wheatland, WY 82201
1356 Brice St
Wheatland, WY 82201
Tel: (307) 322-2508
Em: goni4@juno.com
Lead Pastor: Geoffrey Gonifas
New Life Christian Center
1028 Road 11
Worland, WY 82401
PO Box 911
Worland, WY 82401
Tel: (307) 347-2310
Em: nlcc@trconnect.net
Lead Pastor: Larry Ramsfield
Prairie View Assembly of God
514 Bison
Wright, WY 82732
PO Box 202
Wright, WY 82732
Tel: (307) 464-1182
Em: rjones_750@yahoo.com
Lead Pastor: Ricky Jones

Physical Address
350 Kati Lane
Casper, Wyoming 82601
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2988
Casper, WY 82602
Tel: (307) 234-4102
Em: office@wyomingministrynetwork.com